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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Spooooooktacular Festivities!

We had such a wonderful week in Grade One; a week filled with festivities, too much sugar, and three units to wrap up. Yikes! Let’s start at the beginning.

On Monday my laryngitis was still hanging around, although I wasn’t whispering anymore; I was speaking just OVER a whisper. That made it pretty hard to do a read aloud for our final retell book, BOO! By Robert Munsch. Thankfully, my kids were so engaged and willing to help me read it, so every time I had to read “BOO!” or “AGGGHHHHH!”, they took the floor so I could rest my voice. I guess it was more like a shared reading.

Speaking of shared reading, we read this classic poem for our Halloween week.

We also finished up our science unit on Daily and Seasonal Changes by working really hard on mini posters. For each season, they had to draw a detailed picture of what they enjoy doing in each season, and write two sentences that describe their pictures. This was my example. It didn’t even compare to some of the beautiful pictures I received.

Okay, enough about the academic side of things, let’s get to the fun Halloween stories I bring to you this week. Remember in a previous post I told you I was working on our class pumpkin? Well prepare yourself for….MIIIIIKE WAZOWSKI!!

The kids were madly in love with Mike, and he spent two days relaxing on his own chair until he made his way down to the library for the pumpkin contest. The winning class was announced on Thursday afternoon and you know what? We won! My kids were over the top excited. Our trophy is sitting on the bookshelf for us to admire (it lights up and changes colour, so the kids actually do admire it).

I kept up with the Monsters Inc. theme and let them watch the movie for our class party. I laugh every time I watch it. Especially this scene:

Randall: Okay, I think I know how to make this all go 

away. What happens when the whistle blows in 

five minutes?

Mike: I… get a time out?

Randall: Everyone goes to lunch! Which means the scare 

floor will be...

Mike: ...Painted?

I just think Mike's lip quiver is hilarious. 

I also may have spoiled my kids way too much by baking them 

spooky Halloween cupcakes and sending them home with 

baggies of candy.

The costumes were so adorable. I had everything from a fairy

 princess, to a “half human, half monster, half zombie” (we’ll 

work on fractions later this year), to a few “dark vaders”. 

Precious. I was the Cat in the Hat, and I convinced a few that I 

had grown my tail overnight. I love fooling them with silly 


have always said that November 1st should be a PD Day, but 

really lucked out this year. My kids were angels. Now I’ll 

admit, two were away in the morning, and two went home in 

the afternoon (one of them threw up in the garbage can…too 

much candy, perhaps?) so yes, I had a lower than usual 

attendance; but we focused, we got our work done, and we 

had a lovely Friday together.

Monday brings new literacy, math, and social studies units, 

which means lots of marking and prepping. I also have my 

cousin’s wedding to attend today, so Ms. Lawrence will be 

VERY busy. Good thing I have bowls and bowls of candy to 

keep me going!

Happy Halloween!!

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