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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day, Unit, and Long Range Plans

I thought I’d make a midweek post and share some stuff that falls on the administrative side of teaching; because as you know, teaching is more than reading cute poems, solving math problems, and making gigantic paint messes on Friday afternoons. There’s a lot, and I mean A LOT of planning and preparation that goes into each day, week, term, and school year. I spent the majority of my free time in the summer planning my little heart out for the upcoming year and I’m finding that I’m still tweaking things even though I thought I had it all planned out. Yesterday I adjusted the details on my day plan template because if I had to leave it for a supply, it may have been a little confusing. So without further ado, here are some of the templates I use for myself. To get a free copy, click on the picture and download the file.

Long Range Plans

For the past few days I have been thinking about my love for the winter Olympics and how I could fit that into the year somehow. I just spent 10 minutes revising my long range plans for February. What was originally a unit all about Friendship (booorrrring), is now a (hopefully) engaging unit on encouragement and perseverance in the Winter Olympics. I’m telling you--the teacher brain in me never turns off.

Unit Plans

I use these templates and adjust as needed for each subject. I always type it up before my unit begins and by the end of the unit, I look back through each day plan and record the resources I ended up using. Then I reprint it for my files. It’s time consuming, but it will pay off in future years when I want to know what books and resources I used. Here are the units for literacy, math, science, and social studies for the months of September and October.

Day Plans

Day plans are primarily meant to help you effectively plan your upcoming day(s), but they are also necessary to have in case an occasional teacher has to come into your classroom. I have had to make slight changes to mine about three times now so that it would make sense to anyone who looked at it.

A Week at a Glance

I find this so helpful. I sit down on Fridays and plan a rough sketch of the upcoming week. It helps me see when certain lessons should be taught together, and when I’ll have enough time to begin and finish a task. The learning centres section is also very helpful because I can quickly see what supplies I will need to set them up.

If you’re stuck for some new ideas, or you’re new to a grade, it helps to see someone else’s tried, tested, and true plans to get yours going. I hope this helps!

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