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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Winding Down

Well friends, there are only 3.5 school days left and then it’s summer. I’ve been an emotional wreck lately, and the kids have definitely caught on. They don’t help matters by saying things like, “We want you to be our Grade Two teacher!” and, “We want to be in Grade One forever!” I’ve been fighting back the tears as I assure them they will love Grade Two just as much as they loved Grade One.

And then something awesome happened.

No, I won’t be teaching Grade Two next year, but I found out I will be teaching Grade 3/4! So even though I won’t be teaching any of my current onesies again, I will be teaching a lot of kids from the Grade 1/2 group I had when I spent that one year volunteering, trying to get on with the board. AND that means I can still see my little ones from this year in the halls and on the school yard.

And then something ELSE amazing happened. I received this beauty to keep in my classroom.

I know, it seems silly to get excited over a laptop and LCD projector, but having taught the entire year without them, I got really pumped when it was wheeled into my classroom. I was practically doing cartwheels when I found out I get to bring it with me into 3/4 next year. And I was practically doing roundoffs when I was told they’re trying to get me a document camera!

I understand that not everyone can relate to this excitement; but teachers everywhere will tell you that these puppies are gems to have in the classroom. I’ll calm down now.

But wait. Even MORE awesomeness occurred. On Thursday, the Primary/Junior special education class brought these little visitors to my classroom.

I really had to focus on not going into insane duck loving mode, and keep my composure. I did, however, find them on my lunch and picked them up and cooed over all the cuteness.

Okay one more piece of excitement that occurred last week: our PIRATE PIZZA PARTY!

As you know, we’ve been doing a lot of work around pirates, so we decided to have a pirate party. With pizza. A Pirate Pizza Party. Oh, and cupcakes!

Yes, there was a ton of excitement going on in the Grade One room. I am also starting to pack up my classroom to move down the hall for next year, so it’s very cluttered, which if you know me, you’ll know it’s sending me into a state of panic. Our lovely caretakers assured me that I can come in on the first day of summer holidays to do the real moving. After all, I am currently packing up my living quarters because we take possession of our house on Friday! Yeesh. I can’t take all this moving!

On a brighter note: I participated in the 2014 Relay for Life and I was honoured with this trendy, “wear it 13 ways” scarf (which I prefer to call a ‘do rag’ because it sounds cooler) for raising the most money individually. Our team was actually in 6th place for the amount of money we raised, but I, myself raised just over $4500. I really hope that all the money each team raised will be able to help the many people who have been affected by cancer.

Well, I’m off. Time to get ready for the last week of school, and try to finish up all the packing here at home.

Happy Sunday!

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