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Friday, August 22, 2014

Designing the Classroom

Last year, I spent all day for a week straight turning my classroom from what was a 4/5 classroom into a Grade One classroom. Holy cow, did it ever take a long time. This year wasn’t as bad. I had to turn it from a 5/6 to a 3/4, and I found I could keep a lot of the materials that were left there (in other words, I have a great classroom library!)

Between Tuesday morning and late this afternoon, I spent my days transforming last year’s room into Ms. Lawrence’s Grade 3/4 classroom. I now present you, one before picture and several after pictures.

The Before shot. It’s always hard to know where to start. I just stared at it for a while until the ideas started flowing.

And now for the after shots...

Aside from being an optical illusion, this board will serve many purposes; mainly used for assessment with exit passes, but it’s currently all set up for a fun first day back activity.

I’m always so obsessed with my bulletin boards. Once I apply my vision for those, everything else seems to come together.

 The blue and green buckets (which were purchased with the colour scheme in mind) will be used for guided reading groups. The rest is a small but great classroom library.

My guided reading area. This year we are trying the Daily CafĂ© literacy program. It’s been around for a while but I never used it in Grade One. Looking forward to trying it out this year.

Math Manipulative Mania!

It’s hard to see, but those posters are kid friendly posters about Multiple Intelligences. That’s how we’re starting off our year. Thanks, Susan Morrow for the free copy via Teachers Pay Teachers!

The window behind my desk looks into another small room (a pod) so I will have to cover it with something. Best to avoid the distractions before they happen.

I still have to do something about covering that cord because someone is going to trip over it and that someone will likely be me.

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. For me, I found my bulletin board trim first and based my colours on that. It was funky and I thought I could do a lot with it. I ran out of it when I was 90% done my boards and I almost lost my mind. Thankfully, my darling man made the third trek to Barrie with me to get more from the only store that had it in stock.

And that’s what the new classroom looks like! Comparing it to my Grade One room last year, I think it looks fun and inviting, and geared towards an age group that is a little older and more mature.

Now, I'm off to enjoy a weekend spent with family and friends, and of course, planning because next week is the last week of summer vacation and I still have a TON to do!

Currently August

I never actually get around to making these on the first of the month, do I? Oh well. I’m doing it now! Thanks to Oh Boy Fourth Grade for creating these fun little activities.

Listening: When I listen carefully, I hear absolutely nothing. It’s still so early that every other living soul in my house is asleep (in other words, boyfriend and pets). I’m enjoying the silence while it lasts! And because we now have central air, I can keep the sliding door closed, which means I don’t have to listen to the construction behind my house as they finish building a new school. Yes, I am loving the silence.

Loving: On Sunday, Rob and I finally finished painting the walls in our new house. Because of the open concept design, we painted the kitchen, living room, dining room, front hall, stairwell, and upstairs hall. Two coats. I was fired early on for doing a poor job and was stuck on the awful tape duty. I imagined us painting together, laughing and enjoying ourselves. Instead, we worked on different rooms and sometimes I would just leave and run errands while he painted. It’s not as glorious as I had dreamed, but the place looks great and I have a good man for doing the majority of the work (yeah, I’ll give credit when credit is due).

Thinking: My friend, Ashley got me into watching Suits.
It’s on Netflix + I’ve been on summer holidays = I’ve been binge watching. 
Move over, Ash. I’M marrying Harvey Specter!

Wanting: I’m onto Day 4 of setting up my new classroom. I moved down the hall and actually traded rooms with another teacher. It’s coming along nicely but I’d like to finish the physical set up today. Pictures to come in a few days!

Needing: Once my classroom is all set up I need to sit down with my grade partners and do some serious planning! We have a general idea where we want to start, but we need to type up formal unit plans and create lessons. Until that’s done, I will be a bit of a basket case.

1st Day You and Kids: I decided to dedicate this week to setting up my room, so I came in on August 19th to get started. That gives me two weeks until I get to see my class on September 2nd! Can’t wait!